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User Settings

Most client settings are stored here for syncing.

GET /users/@me/settings

Returns a user settings object for the requester's account.

User Settings Structure

afk_timeoutintegerhow many seconds being idle before the user is marked as "AFK"; this handles when push notifications are sent
animate_emojibooleanplay animated emoji without hovering over them
animate_stickersintegerwhen stickers animate; 0: always, 1: on hover/focus, 2: never
contact_sync_enabledbooleansync phone contacts with discord (seemingly unused, enabling contact sync does not change it)
convert_emoticonsbooleanconvert "old fashioned" emoticons to emojis
custom_statuscustom status objectcustom status for the user
default_guilds_restrictedbooleanallow DMs from guild members by default on guild join
detect_platform_accountsbooleanwhether the client will detect accounts from other services for connections
developer_modebooleanshow the option to copy ids in right click menus
disable_games_tabbooleanhide the activity tab
enable_tts_commandbooleanenable /tts command and playback
explicit_content_filterintegercontent filter level; 0: off, 1: friends excluded, 2: scan everyone
friend_discovery_flagsintegerflags for how people can add the user via contact sync
friend_source_flagsfriend source flags objectwho can add the user as a friend
gif_auto_playbooleanplay GIFs without hovering over them
guild_foldersarray of guild folder objectsguild folders set by the user
guild_positionsarrayarray of guild ids in order of position on the sidebar
inline_attachment_mediabooleandisplay images and video when uploaded directly
inline_embed_mediabooleandisplay images and video when linked
localestringuser defined locale
message_display_compactbooleanuse compact mode
render_embedsbooleandisplay embeds
render_reactionsbooleandisplay reactions
restricted_guildsarrayarray of guild ids where the user has disallowed DMs from guild members
show_current_gamebooleanshow playing status for detected/added games
statusstringcurrent status; values: online, idle, dnd, invisible
themestringclient theme; values: dark, light
timezone_offsetintegertimezone offset in minutes (arbitrary number, no way to change in client)
view_nsfw_guildsbooleanallow access to NSFW guilds from iOS devices

Friend Discovery Flags

1 << 0User can be added by phone number
1 << 1User can be added by email

Friend Source Flags Structure

All of these fields are optional. To set false, either set the value to false or remove the field from the object.

all?booleanAnyone can add you
mutual_friends?booleanFriends of friends can add you
mutual_guilds?booleanServer members can add you

GET /users/@me/settings-proto/:id

Returns the user's settings in protobuf format.

syntax = "proto3";
package discord_protos.discord_users.v1;

message Version {
uint32 client_version = 1;
uint32 server_version = 2;
uint32 data_version = 3;

enum InboxTab {

message InboxSettings {
InboxTab current_tab = 1;
bool viewed_tutorial = 2;

message ChannelSettings {
bool collapsed_in_inbox = 1;

message GuildSettings {
map<fixed64, ChannelSettings> channels = 1;
uint32 hub_progress = 2;
uint32 guild_onboarding_progress = 3;

message LastDismissedOutboundPromotionStartDate {
string value = 1;

message PremiumTier0ModalDismissedAt {
uint32 timestamp = 1;

message UserContentSettings {
bytes dismissed_contents = 1;
LastDismissedOutboundPromotionStartDate last_dismissed_outbound_promotion_start_date = 2;
PremiumTier0ModalDismissedAt premium_tier_0_modal_dismissed_at = 3;

message VideoFilterBackgroundBlur {
bool use_blur = 1;

message VideoFilterAsset {
fixed64 id = 1;
string asset_hash = 2;

message AlwaysPreviewVideo {
bool value = 1;

message AfkTimeout {
uint32 value = 1;

message StreamNotificationsEnabled {
bool value = 1;

message NativePhoneIntegrationEnabled {
bool value = 1;

message VoiceAndVideoSettings {
VideoFilterBackgroundBlur blur = 1;
uint32 preset_option = 2;
VideoFilterAsset custom_asset = 3;
AlwaysPreviewVideo always_preview_video = 5;
AfkTimeout afk_timeout = 6;
StreamNotificationsEnabled stream_notifications_enabled = 7;
NativePhoneIntegrationEnabled native_phone_integration_enabled = 8;

message DiversitySurrogate {
string value = 1;

message UseRichChatInput {
bool value = 1;

message UseThreadSidebar {
bool value = 1;

message RenderSpoilers {
string value = 1;

message ViewImageDescriptions {
bool value = 1;

message ShowCommandSuggestions {
bool value = 1;

message InlineAttachmentMedia {
bool value = 1;

message InlineEmbedMedia {
bool value = 1;

message GifAutoPlay {
bool value = 1;

message RenderEmbeds {
bool value = 1;

message RenderReactions {
bool value = 1;

message AnimateEmoji {
bool value = 1;

message AnimateStickers {
uint32 value = 1;

message EnableTtsCommand {
bool value = 1;

message MessageDisplayCompact {
bool value = 1;

message ExplicitContentFilter {
uint32 value = 1;

message ViewNsfwGuilds {
bool value = 1;

message ConvertEmoticons {
bool value = 1;

message ExpressionSuggestionsEnabled {
bool value = 1;

message ViewNsfwCommands {
bool value = 1;

message TextAndImagesSettings {
DiversitySurrogate diversity_surrogate = 1;
UseRichChatInput use_rich_chat_input = 2;
UseThreadSidebar use_thread_sidebar = 3;
RenderSpoilers render_spoilers = 4;
repeated string emoji_picker_collapsed_sections = 5 [packed = false];
repeated string sticker_picker_collapsed_sections = 6 [packed = false];
ViewImageDescriptions view_image_descriptions = 7;
ShowCommandSuggestions show_command_suggestions = 8;
InlineAttachmentMedia inline_attachment_media = 9;
InlineEmbedMedia inline_embed_media = 10;
GifAutoPlay gif_auto_play = 11;
RenderEmbeds render_embeds = 12;
RenderReactions render_reactions = 13;
AnimateEmoji animate_emoji = 14;
AnimateStickers animate_stickers = 15;
EnableTtsCommand enable_tts_command = 16;
MessageDisplayCompact message_display_compact = 17;
ExplicitContentFilter explicit_content_filter = 19;
ViewNsfwGuilds view_nsfw_guilds = 20;
ConvertEmoticons convert_emoticons = 21;
ExpressionSuggestionsEnabled expression_suggestions_enabled = 22;
ViewNsfwCommands view_nsfw_commands = 23;

message ShowInAppNotifications {
bool value = 1;

message NotifyFriendsOnGoLive {
bool value = 1;

message NotificationSettings {
ShowInAppNotifications show_in_app_notifications = 1;
NotifyFriendsOnGoLive notify_friends_on_go_live = 2;
fixed64 notification_center_acked_before_id = 3;

enum GuildActivityStatusRestrictionDefault {
OFF = 0;

message AllowActivityPartyPrivacyFriends {
bool value = 1;

message AllowActivityPartyPrivacyVoiceChannel {
bool value = 1;

message DetectPlatformAccounts {
bool value = 1;

message Passwordless {
bool value = 1;

message ContactSyncEnabled {
bool value = 1;

message FriendSourceFlags {
uint32 value = 1;

message FriendDiscoveryFlags {
uint32 value = 1;

message PrivacySettings {
AllowActivityPartyPrivacyFriends allow_activity_party_privacy_friends = 1;
AllowActivityPartyPrivacyVoiceChannel allow_activity_party_privacy_voice_channel = 2;
repeated fixed64 restricted_guild_ids = 3 [packed = true];
bool default_guilds_restricted = 4;
bool allow_accessibility_detection = 7;
DetectPlatformAccounts detect_platform_accounts = 8;
Passwordless passwordless = 9;
ContactSyncEnabled contact_sync_enabled = 10;
FriendSourceFlags friend_source_flags = 11;
FriendDiscoveryFlags friend_discovery_flags = 12;
repeated fixed64 activity_restricted_guild_ids = 13 [packed = true];
GuildActivityStatusRestrictionDefault default_guilds_activity_restricted = 14;
repeated fixed64 activity_joining_restricted_guild_ids = 15 [packed = true];

message RtcPanelShowVoiceStates {
bool value = 1;

message DebugSettings {
RtcPanelShowVoiceStates rtc_panel_show_voice_states = 1;

message InstallShortcutDesktop {
bool value = 1;

message InstallShortcutStartMenu {
bool value = 1;

message DisableGamesTab {
bool value = 1;

message GameLibrarySettings {
InstallShortcutDesktop install_shortcut_desktop = 1;
InstallShortcutStartMenu install_shortcut_start_menu = 2;
DisableGamesTab disable_games_tab = 3;

message Status {
string status = 1;

message CustomStatus {
string text = 1;
fixed64 emoji_id = 2;
string emoji_name = 3;
fixed64 expires_at_ms = 4;

message ShowCurrentGame {
bool value = 1;

message StatusSettings {
Status status = 1;
CustomStatus custom_status = 2;
ShowCurrentGame show_current_game = 3;

message Locale {
string locale_code = 1;

message TimezoneOffset {
int32 offset = 1;

message LocalizationSettings {
Locale locale = 1;
TimezoneOffset timezone_offset = 2;

enum Theme {
UNSET = 0;
DARK = 1;
LIGHT = 2;

message AppearanceSettings {
Theme theme = 1;
bool developer_mode = 2;

message PreloadedUserSettings {
Version versions = 1;
InboxSettings inbox = 2;
GuildSettings guilds = 3;
UserContentSettings user_content = 4;
VoiceAndVideoSettings voice_and_video = 5;
TextAndImagesSettings text_and_images = 6;
NotificationSettings notifications = 7;
PrivacySettings privacy = 8;
DebugSettings debug = 9;
GameLibrarySettings game_library = 10;
StatusSettings status = 11;
LocalizationSettings localization = 12;
AppearanceSettings appearance = 13;
syntax = "proto3";
package discord_protos.discord_users.v1;

enum GIFType {
NONE = 0;
IMAGE = 1;
VIDEO = 2;

message FavoriteGIF {
GIFType format = 1;
string src = 2;
uint32 width = 3;
uint32 height = 4;
uint32 order = 5;

message FavoriteGIFs {
map<string, FavoriteGIF> gifs = 1;
bool hide_tooltip = 2;

message FavoriteStickers {
repeated fixed64 sticker_ids = 1 [packed = true];

message FrecencyItem {
uint32 total_uses = 1;
repeated uint64 recent_uses = 2 [packed = true];
int32 frecency = 3;
int32 score = 4;

message StickerFrecency {
map<fixed64, FrecencyItem> stickers = 1;

message FavoriteEmojis {
repeated string emojis = 1 [packed = false];

message EmojiFrecency {
map<string, FrecencyItem> emojis = 1;

message ApplicationCommandFrecency {
map<string, FrecencyItem> application_commands = 1;

message FrecencyUserSettings {
Version versions = 1;
FavoriteGIFs favorite_gifs = 2;
FavoriteStickers favorite_stickers = 3;
StickerFrecency sticker_frecency = 4;
FavoriteEmojis favorite_emojis = 5;
EmojiFrecency emoji_frecency = 6;
ApplicationCommandFrecency application_command_frecency = 7;

Settings ID

The id field can be one of:

1PRELOADED_USER_SETTINGSAppears to be the contents of regular /settings
2FRECENCY_AND_FAVORITES_SETTINGSContains saved GIFs, as well as emoji and slash command frecency data
3TEST_SETTINGSBlank on a regular user account. Unknown purpose