User Settings
Most client settings are stored here for syncing.
GET /users/@me/settings
Returns a user settings object for the requester's account.
User Settings Structure
Field | Type | Description |
afk_timeout | integer | how many seconds being idle before the user is marked as "AFK"; this handles when push notifications are sent |
allow_accessibility_detection | boolean | unknown |
animate_emoji | boolean | play animated emoji without hovering over them |
animate_stickers | integer | when stickers animate; 0 : always, 1 : on hover/focus, 2 : never |
contact_sync_enabled | boolean | sync phone contacts with discord (seemingly unused, enabling contact sync does not change it) |
convert_emoticons | boolean | convert "old fashioned" emoticons to emojis |
custom_status | custom status object | custom status for the user |
default_guilds_restricted | boolean | allow DMs from guild members by default on guild join |
detect_platform_accounts | boolean | whether the client will detect accounts from other services for connections |
developer_mode | boolean | show the option to copy ids in right click menus |
disable_games_tab | boolean | hide the activity tab |
enable_tts_command | boolean | enable /tts command and playback |
explicit_content_filter | integer | content filter level; 0 : off, 1 : friends excluded, 2 : scan everyone |
friend_discovery_flags | integer | flags for how people can add the user via contact sync |
friend_source_flags | friend source flags object | who can add the user as a friend |
gif_auto_play | boolean | play GIFs without hovering over them |
guild_folders | array of guild folder objects | guild folders set by the user |
guild_positions | array | array of guild ids in order of position on the sidebar |
inline_attachment_media | boolean | display images and video when uploaded directly |
inline_embed_media | boolean | display images and video when linked |
locale | string | user defined locale |
message_display_compact | boolean | use compact mode |
native_phone_integration_enabled | boolean | unknown |
render_embeds | boolean | display embeds |
render_reactions | boolean | display reactions |
restricted_guilds | array | array of guild ids where the user has disallowed DMs from guild members |
show_current_game | boolean | show playing status for detected/added games |
status | string | current status; values: online , idle , dnd , invisible |
stream_notifications_enabled | boolean | unknown |
theme | string | client theme; values: dark , light |
timezone_offset | integer | timezone offset in minutes (arbitrary number, no way to change in client) |
view_nsfw_guilds | boolean | allow access to NSFW guilds from iOS devices |
Friend Discovery Flags
Value | Description |
0 | None |
1 << 0 | User can be added by phone number |
1 << 1 | User can be added by email |
Friend Source Flags Structure
All of these fields are optional. To set false, either set the value to false or remove the field from the object.
Field | Type | Description |
all | ?boolean | Anyone can add you |
mutual_friends | ?boolean | Friends of friends can add you |
mutual_guilds | ?boolean | Server members can add you |
GET /users/@me/settings-proto/:id
Returns the user's settings in protobuf format.
syntax = "proto3";
package discord_protos.discord_users.v1;
message Version {
uint32 client_version = 1;
uint32 server_version = 2;
uint32 data_version = 3;
enum InboxTab {
message InboxSettings {
InboxTab current_tab = 1;
bool viewed_tutorial = 2;
message ChannelSettings {
bool collapsed_in_inbox = 1;
message GuildSettings {
map<fixed64, ChannelSettings> channels = 1;
uint32 hub_progress = 2;
uint32 guild_onboarding_progress = 3;
message LastDismissedOutboundPromotionStartDate {
string value = 1;
message PremiumTier0ModalDismissedAt {
uint32 timestamp = 1;
message UserContentSettings {
bytes dismissed_contents = 1;
LastDismissedOutboundPromotionStartDate last_dismissed_outbound_promotion_start_date = 2;
PremiumTier0ModalDismissedAt premium_tier_0_modal_dismissed_at = 3;
message VideoFilterBackgroundBlur {
bool use_blur = 1;
message VideoFilterAsset {
fixed64 id = 1;
string asset_hash = 2;
message AlwaysPreviewVideo {
bool value = 1;
message AfkTimeout {
uint32 value = 1;
message StreamNotificationsEnabled {
bool value = 1;
message NativePhoneIntegrationEnabled {
bool value = 1;
message VoiceAndVideoSettings {
VideoFilterBackgroundBlur blur = 1;
uint32 preset_option = 2;
VideoFilterAsset custom_asset = 3;
AlwaysPreviewVideo always_preview_video = 5;
AfkTimeout afk_timeout = 6;
StreamNotificationsEnabled stream_notifications_enabled = 7;
NativePhoneIntegrationEnabled native_phone_integration_enabled = 8;
message DiversitySurrogate {
string value = 1;
message UseRichChatInput {
bool value = 1;
message UseThreadSidebar {
bool value = 1;
message RenderSpoilers {
string value = 1;
message ViewImageDescriptions {
bool value = 1;
message ShowCommandSuggestions {
bool value = 1;
message InlineAttachmentMedia {
bool value = 1;
message InlineEmbedMedia {
bool value = 1;
message GifAutoPlay {
bool value = 1;
message RenderEmbeds {
bool value = 1;
message RenderReactions {
bool value = 1;
message AnimateEmoji {
bool value = 1;
message AnimateStickers {
uint32 value = 1;
message EnableTtsCommand {
bool value = 1;
message MessageDisplayCompact {
bool value = 1;
message ExplicitContentFilter {
uint32 value = 1;
message ViewNsfwGuilds {
bool value = 1;
message ConvertEmoticons {
bool value = 1;
message ExpressionSuggestionsEnabled {
bool value = 1;
message ViewNsfwCommands {
bool value = 1;
message TextAndImagesSettings {
DiversitySurrogate diversity_surrogate = 1;
UseRichChatInput use_rich_chat_input = 2;
UseThreadSidebar use_thread_sidebar = 3;
RenderSpoilers render_spoilers = 4;
repeated string emoji_picker_collapsed_sections = 5 [packed = false];
repeated string sticker_picker_collapsed_sections = 6 [packed = false];
ViewImageDescriptions view_image_descriptions = 7;
ShowCommandSuggestions show_command_suggestions = 8;
InlineAttachmentMedia inline_attachment_media = 9;
InlineEmbedMedia inline_embed_media = 10;
GifAutoPlay gif_auto_play = 11;
RenderEmbeds render_embeds = 12;
RenderReactions render_reactions = 13;
AnimateEmoji animate_emoji = 14;
AnimateStickers animate_stickers = 15;
EnableTtsCommand enable_tts_command = 16;
MessageDisplayCompact message_display_compact = 17;
ExplicitContentFilter explicit_content_filter = 19;
ViewNsfwGuilds view_nsfw_guilds = 20;
ConvertEmoticons convert_emoticons = 21;
ExpressionSuggestionsEnabled expression_suggestions_enabled = 22;
ViewNsfwCommands view_nsfw_commands = 23;
message ShowInAppNotifications {
bool value = 1;
message NotifyFriendsOnGoLive {
bool value = 1;
message NotificationSettings {
ShowInAppNotifications show_in_app_notifications = 1;
NotifyFriendsOnGoLive notify_friends_on_go_live = 2;
fixed64 notification_center_acked_before_id = 3;
enum GuildActivityStatusRestrictionDefault {
OFF = 0;
message AllowActivityPartyPrivacyFriends {
bool value = 1;
message AllowActivityPartyPrivacyVoiceChannel {
bool value = 1;
message DetectPlatformAccounts {
bool value = 1;
message Passwordless {
bool value = 1;
message ContactSyncEnabled {
bool value = 1;
message FriendSourceFlags {
uint32 value = 1;
message FriendDiscoveryFlags {
uint32 value = 1;
message PrivacySettings {
AllowActivityPartyPrivacyFriends allow_activity_party_privacy_friends = 1;
AllowActivityPartyPrivacyVoiceChannel allow_activity_party_privacy_voice_channel = 2;
repeated fixed64 restricted_guild_ids = 3 [packed = true];
bool default_guilds_restricted = 4;
bool allow_accessibility_detection = 7;
DetectPlatformAccounts detect_platform_accounts = 8;
Passwordless passwordless = 9;
ContactSyncEnabled contact_sync_enabled = 10;
FriendSourceFlags friend_source_flags = 11;
FriendDiscoveryFlags friend_discovery_flags = 12;
repeated fixed64 activity_restricted_guild_ids = 13 [packed = true];
GuildActivityStatusRestrictionDefault default_guilds_activity_restricted = 14;
repeated fixed64 activity_joining_restricted_guild_ids = 15 [packed = true];
message RtcPanelShowVoiceStates {
bool value = 1;
message DebugSettings {
RtcPanelShowVoiceStates rtc_panel_show_voice_states = 1;
message InstallShortcutDesktop {
bool value = 1;
message InstallShortcutStartMenu {
bool value = 1;
message DisableGamesTab {
bool value = 1;
message GameLibrarySettings {
InstallShortcutDesktop install_shortcut_desktop = 1;
InstallShortcutStartMenu install_shortcut_start_menu = 2;
DisableGamesTab disable_games_tab = 3;
message Status {
string status = 1;
message CustomStatus {
string text = 1;
fixed64 emoji_id = 2;
string emoji_name = 3;
fixed64 expires_at_ms = 4;
message ShowCurrentGame {
bool value = 1;
message StatusSettings {
Status status = 1;
CustomStatus custom_status = 2;
ShowCurrentGame show_current_game = 3;
message Locale {
string locale_code = 1;
message TimezoneOffset {
int32 offset = 1;
message LocalizationSettings {
Locale locale = 1;
TimezoneOffset timezone_offset = 2;
enum Theme {
UNSET = 0;
DARK = 1;
LIGHT = 2;
message AppearanceSettings {
Theme theme = 1;
bool developer_mode = 2;
message PreloadedUserSettings {
Version versions = 1;
InboxSettings inbox = 2;
GuildSettings guilds = 3;
UserContentSettings user_content = 4;
VoiceAndVideoSettings voice_and_video = 5;
TextAndImagesSettings text_and_images = 6;
NotificationSettings notifications = 7;
PrivacySettings privacy = 8;
DebugSettings debug = 9;
GameLibrarySettings game_library = 10;
StatusSettings status = 11;
LocalizationSettings localization = 12;
AppearanceSettings appearance = 13;
syntax = "proto3";
package discord_protos.discord_users.v1;
enum GIFType {
NONE = 0;
IMAGE = 1;
VIDEO = 2;
message FavoriteGIF {
GIFType format = 1;
string src = 2;
uint32 width = 3;
uint32 height = 4;
uint32 order = 5;
message FavoriteGIFs {
map<string, FavoriteGIF> gifs = 1;
bool hide_tooltip = 2;
message FavoriteStickers {
repeated fixed64 sticker_ids = 1 [packed = true];
message FrecencyItem {
uint32 total_uses = 1;
repeated uint64 recent_uses = 2 [packed = true];
int32 frecency = 3;
int32 score = 4;
message StickerFrecency {
map<fixed64, FrecencyItem> stickers = 1;
message FavoriteEmojis {
repeated string emojis = 1 [packed = false];
message EmojiFrecency {
map<string, FrecencyItem> emojis = 1;
message ApplicationCommandFrecency {
map<string, FrecencyItem> application_commands = 1;
message FrecencyUserSettings {
Version versions = 1;
FavoriteGIFs favorite_gifs = 2;
FavoriteStickers favorite_stickers = 3;
StickerFrecency sticker_frecency = 4;
FavoriteEmojis favorite_emojis = 5;
EmojiFrecency emoji_frecency = 6;
ApplicationCommandFrecency application_command_frecency = 7;
Settings ID
The id
field can be one of:
Value | Name | Description |
1 | PRELOADED_USER_SETTINGS | Appears to be the contents of regular /settings |
2 | FRECENCY_AND_FAVORITES_SETTINGS | Contains saved GIFs, as well as emoji and slash command frecency data |
3 | TEST_SETTINGS | Blank on a regular user account. Unknown purpose |