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Stickers in Discord are just like stickers in Telegram; they're animated pictures that are displayed bigger than emojis. Stickers are currently (January 28 2021) only available for users from Brazil, Canada, and Japan "for the soft launch."1 We don't know if it's going to be able to add custom stickers, but you can buy sticker packs from the store.

Animation formats

Discord uses 2 formats of stickers right now (even though there's 3rd one):

  • PNG: Unused
  • APNG: Used for some stickers that usually look worse than Lottie stickers.
  • Lottie: Used for clean animation in some stickers. Lottie animations are rendered in Discord using Discord's rlottie, a fork of Telegram's rlottie.

Sticker object

idstringunique ID of this sticker
namestringdisplay name of this sticker (might be localized on the client?)
descriptionstringdisplay description of this sticker (in the store?) (might be localized on the client?). same thing as tags for older packs
pack_idstringthe ID of the pack this sticker belongs to
assetstringasset ID on the CDN
preview_assetstring?asset ID of preview (in the store?)
format_typeintegerformat of the asset. 1 for png, 2 for apng, 3 for lottie
tagsstringsearch tags for this sticker. also used for suggestions as you type*

* Front-end specific: Tags starting with a ":" get suggested under emote suggestions, but tags that are just words get suggested in a little popup above the stickers menu button.


"id": "748293342357356564",
"name": "Scared",
"description": "wumpus, scared, woah, scary, scream, :o, spooked, 😨, 😱, :scared, :scream",
"pack_id": "748286863302852648",
"asset": "17e05030dcafa6604ee7479789652459",
"preview_asset": "c5ca5d803b37604638c32e68cb629b1a",
"format_type": 2,
"tags": "wumpus, scared, woah, scary, scream, :o, spooked, 😨, 😱, :scared, :scream"
"asset": "e71c2fc3e471f663dd78189d7b01b52d",
"description": "Wumpus crying into his helmet",
"format_type": 3,
"id": "755242820368859196",
"name": "Crying",
"pack_id": "755240383084232756",
"preview_asset": null,
"tags": "wumpus, cry, crying, sad, upset, feelsbadman, :<, :(, :[, 😥, 😢, 😭, ):, tear, :sad, :tear, :cry"

Sticker pack object

idstringunique ID of this pack
stickerslist[Sticker]the stickers that this pack provides
namestringdisplay name of this pack (might be localized on the client?)
sku_idstringjust SKU ID
cover_sticker_idstringid of the "example sticker" in this pack


"id": "755240383084232756",
"stickers": [/* Many sticker objects */],
"name": "Wumpus Nitro Elite",
"sku_id": "755240383084232754",
"cover_sticker_id": "755244316976218142"

Per-user sticker pack object

user_idstringid of this user
pack_idstringid of the sticker pack
entitlement_idstringunknown purpose
has_accessbooleanis this user an owner of the pack
premium_type_required?integernitro level required to have the pack (0 for no nitro, 1 for nitro classic, 2 for nitro)
sticker_packStickerPackcomposition > inheritence


"user_id": "270361773662535681", // see special thanks
"pack_id": "755240383084232756",
"entitlement_id": "789335049324462121",
"has_access": false,
"premium_type_required": 2,
"sticker_pack": {
"id": "755240383084232756",
"stickers": [/* Many sticker objects */],
"name": "Wumpus Nitro Elite",
"sku_id": "755240383084232754",
"cover_sticker_id": "755244316976218142"

GET /api/users/@me/sticker-packs

An authorized API endpoint without any parameters that returns the current sticker packs this user owns.


An array of per-user sticker pack objects.

Example response

"user_id": "270361773662535681", // see special thanks
"pack_id": "755240383084232756",
"entitlement_id": "789335049324462121",
"has_access": false,
"premium_type_required": 2,
"sticker_pack": {
"id": "755240383084232756",
"stickers": [/* Many sticker objects */],
"name": "Wumpus Nitro Elite",
"sku_id": "755240383084232754",
"cover_sticker_id": "755244316976218142"

Sticker messages

Sticker messages are an extended version of regular messages, though stickers are not embedded. By specifying an empty content string and adding sticker IDs into the array of strings sticker_ids, you can send a sticker message.


  • 403 Forbidden {"message": "Cannot use this sticker", "code": 50081}: It can mean that:
    • You haven't paid for this sticker pack
    • You have provided an invalid or malformed ID
    • Stickers are not available in your country

Example payload

"content": "",
"nonce": "804415164441952256",
"sticker_ids": ["748293342357356564"],
"tts": false


Stickers can also be sent standalone by sending a POST request to /api/channels/:channel/greet endpoint. Other message fields, such as content, are ignored here. Only sticker_ids needs to be populated for the message to be valid.

Example request

"sticker_ids": [/* one or more stickers */],
"message_reference": { // Optional



Accepts size (integer) and passthrough? (boolean) parameters, returning APNG animation of the sticker. Also returns just the first frame if passthrough=false is provided.

Special thanks

  • To Brazilian Kyatsuu#5359 (270361773662535681) for following my instructions to reverse-engineer this.

