Science Events
Events are actions the User does that are collected by Discord. More information on tracking and collection here.
This gives a non-thorough list of Event objects.
If an event "contains properties" it is assumed that the Event object contains
an extra properties
field pointing to a Properties object.
Always assume TrackingProperties
is included.
Properties object
Fields are inconsistent and optional across events. Given *Property "objects" are fields that may or may not be present in a Properties object.
field | type | description |
client_send_timestamp | unix timestamp | assumed to be when client sent event |
client_track_timestamp | unix timestamp | assumed to be when the event happened |
client_uuid | base64 of a uuid? | client identifier |
field | type | description |
channel_hidden | boolean | if the channel is muted (???) |
channel_id | snowflake | channel the user is in |
channel_member_perms | permission bit set (integer) | the user permissions in the channel |
channel_size_total | integer | ??? |
channel_type | integer, channel type | channel type (text, voice, etc) |
field | type | description |
guild_id | snowflake | guild identifier |
guild_is_vip | boolean | if the guild is a VIP guild |
guild_member_num_roles | integer | how many roles the user has in the guild |
guild_member_perms | permission bit set (integer) | the user permissions in the guild |
guild_num_channels | integer | amount of channels in the guild |
guild_num_roles | integer | amount of roles in the guild |
guild_num_text_channels | integer | amount of text channels in the guild |
guild_num_voice_channels | integer | amount of voice channels in the guild |
guild_size_total | integer | amount of members in the guild |
field | type | description |
num_users_visible | integer | amount of users the current user saw in the list |
num_users_visible_with_mobile_indicator | integer | self explanatory |
field | type | description |
game_ids | list of snowflakes | game ids |
load_id | uuid as its formal representation (incl. hyphens) | ??? |
num_cards | integer | number of game cards in activity |
num_cards_game_news | integer | number of game cards showing game news |
num_cards_game_playable | integer | number of cards user can play |
num_cards_visible | integer | number of cards user views when looking at activity |
num_game_parties | integer | ??? |
num_game_parties_collapsed | integer | ??? |
num_game_parties_recently_played | integer | ??? |
num_game_parties_rich_presence | integer | ??? |
num_game_parties_solo | integer | ??? |
num_game_parties_voice | integer | ??? |
num_launcher_applications | integer | ??? |
num_users_subscribed | integer | ??? |
field | type | description |
game_ids_viewed | list of snowflakes | game ids the user viewed while in activity |
load_id | uuid as its formal representation (incl. hyphens) | ??? |
num_cards_total | integer | number of game cards in activity |
num_cards_viewed | integer | number of cards user saw while in activity |
num_games_total | integer | number of games seen in activity |
seconds_spent | integer | amount of seconds spent in activity view |
store_application_ids_viewed | list of snowflakes | application ids the user viewed |
store_sku_ids_viewed | list of snowflakes | skus the user viewed |
- SKUs can be thought of as discord Store entries (Stock Keeping Unit).
field | type | description |
window_height | integer | client window height in pixels |
window_width | integer | client window width in pixels |
Event types
Sent when the currently authenticated User sees a newly generated member list in a guild. Contains ChannelProperties, GuildProperties and ListProperties.
Sent when the current User acknowledged the messages in a channel. Contains ChannelProperties, optional GuildProperties.
Sent when the current User views the Direct Messages they currently have. Contains ChannelProperties (for the current opened DM) and ListProperties.
Sent when the current User opens a channel. Can be a Guild Text Channel or a DM channel. Contains ChannelProperties.
Related to client startup? Definitely related to the Activity view. Contains ActivityProperties, WindowProperties.
Sent when the user leaves the Activity view. Contains ActivityCloseProperties.
Sent when the user opens any kind of popout (such as when adding a new member to a group DM). Contains ChannelProperties, plus some fields:
field | type | description |
is_friend | boolean | if the dm you're on represents a friend dm |
source | string | source of the popout, known value is "DM" |
type | string | type of the popout, known value is "Add Friends to DM" |