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Lazy Guilds

Note: The lazy guild documentation described here does NOT represent the added guild_id fields in some message/channel events. This documents Unkown OP codes and mechanisms for optimization of the guild member list.

Note: This is not a complete document on how lazy guilds work, however, it is lead to believe this is the most complete public document on the topic.

Note for Server implementors: The documentation describes behaviors that are non-normative for the Discord API so that it becomes easier to reimplement.

The documentation is heavily based on Litecord's implementation of lazy guilds.

Known history

Lazy guilds were first implemented because of known stresses caused by the Fortnite Discord guild. The existing tooling to handle big guilds were not enough for something as big as Fortnite (e.g Guild Sync).

Limitations of the old member list methods (Guild Sync, Request Guild Members) were already known to not scale well at large guilds. One of the first big examples was the original Blobs guild. The course of events goes as this:

  • An at-everyone ping happened in the guild, causing a big spike in internal server traffic as the notification subsystem fans it out to users.
  • Users open the server. Many. This part is important, because the client subscribes to the guild via (what that time was) guild sync.
  • The large influx of subscriptions also caused large subscriptions to the member list, and considering Blobs has many members, there's a very high chance of the first 1K members in the guild going online or offline. You were able to see the online counts changing quickly.
  • If enough subscriptions were done, the Guild genserver powering the Blobs guild would crash, and so all users would find the infamous "unavailable guild" icon on their clients.

(Keep in mind the above "line of events" was not in any way confirmed by Discord, and is a collection of "best guesses" by non-Discord-employees)

Lazy guilds were deployed on the guild and it was a success, now all the guilds have that feature enabled. The official client only uses Lazy Guild methods from now on. It is unknown when exactly this was done. The other guild presence fetch methods still exist and are functional for backwards-compatibility's sake are:

  • OP 8 Request Guild Members
  • OP 12 Guild Sync

OP 14 "Lazy Request"

This OP Code is undocumented. "Lazy Request" is an unofficial name taken by this documentation.

OP 14 is used by the client when wanting to load the member list of a guild.

When the client wants to load the member list, it describes its request in detail. That is what the channels field is for. It explicitly says which parts of the member list the client wants.

For example, in the official client, it preloads the first 100 members in the list, then requesting more as time goes by, so the only range being requested in its OP 14 is [0, 99].

Once a client requests a certain range, it is considered "subscribed" to that range and will receive respective GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE events related to those ranges.

ASSUMPTION: typing field means the client wants to be subscribed to the ranges the currently-typing members are on.

ASSUMPTION: activities field means the client wants to recieve activities alongside with the member objects.

ASSUMPTION: Ranges can have any size, except negative.

OP 14 Structure

guild_idsnowflakethe guild id for the request
channelsmap[snowflake -> list[list[int, int]]]channel ranges
activitiesbooleanunknown, check assumptions
typingbooleanunknown, check assumptions


This is the main event related to all lazy guild related work. It is sent by the Server to indicate updates to the member list, but only to the ranges the client specified in its OP 14.

List IDs

Member List IDs are defined by an algorithm that takes the current permission overwrites for the given channel. This is made to prevent duplicity of data in both the client and server (if channels have the same permission overwrites, they bsaically have the same member lists).

The algorithm is as follows, in Python:

  • Assumes that Permissions parses a given permissions number into more readable fields, those are specified under Discord's API docs.

  • Assumes mmh3 to be a function providing an implementation of MurMurHash version 3.

This was taken off Litecord's implementation. Type hints are provided for nicer understanding.

def list_id(channel: Channel) -> str:
# list of strings holding the hash input
hash_in: List[str] = []

# actor_id is a snowflake, representing either a user or a role
# overwrite is Dict[str, int]
for actor_id, overwrite in channel.channel_overwrites:
allow = Permissions(overwrite['allow'])
deny = Permissions(overwrite['deny'])

if allow.read_messages:
elif deny.read_messages:

mm3_in = ','.join(hash_in)
return str(mmh3(mm3_in))


Groups are a core concept of understanding lazy guilds. The maximum number of groups is assumed to be the maximum number of roles a guild can have.

There are two default groups, and then a general rule for any group:

  • The default groups are the online members and the offline members.
  • After the default groups, all roles that have the hoisted property set are considered groups.

Groups are ordered by the same order roles are, with the online and offline coming in last, respectively.

Group object

idsnowflake OR "online" OR "offline"group id
countunsigned numberthe amount of members in that group

Event structure

idstringthe list being updated, output of the list_id function
guild_idsnowflakethe guild id being referenced
opslist[Operator]update operators
groupslist[Group]group references


Operator objects represent operations a client MUST act upon to achieve a synchronized member list with the server. The client MUST process each operator based on the given order by the GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE event.

  • range is present if op is any of: "SYNC", "INVALIDATE"
  • items is present if op is equal to "SYNC"
  • index is present if op is any of: "INSERT", "DELETE", "UPDATE"
  • item is present if op is any of: "INSERT", "UPDATE"
opOperatorTypeoperator type for the list
rangelist[int, int]range being operated upon
itemslist[SyncItem]the list of items related to the range given
indexpositive integer, includes 0the item being acted upon
itemSyncItemnew item for the index


It can be a Group object, or a member object with a presence field attached.

Implementation Notes

This section is non-normative. This is also aimed at server implementors wanting to implement Lazy Guilds. Clients only bother with the GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE events

For SYNC events, server implementors can assume the index is an index in a list composed of, for every group in the list, by:

  • a group object
  • members in that group

With the given list, make slices out of the list based on the requested ranges by the client. This approach is known to work, but it is not known if the list generation method is the same used by Discord. Proceed with care.

For guidelines on when to update the list, here follows an informal list of state changes to a list. For a member:

  • A member moves from offline group to any other group (presence change).
  • A member moves from any group to the offline group (presence change).
  • A member moves from any group to any other group (role changes).
  • A member moves from a group G to the same G, while changing their position in the group (nickname changes).
  • A member moves from a group G to the same G, while not changing their position in the group ("simple" presence changes).

The fifth state change is the simplest to handle, it can be caused by a member going from online to idle while maintaining their roles. The others are more complex and cane grouped into two categories: simple presence update and complex presence update.

The "presence update" sentence is not always tied to a presence, it represents an update to member state, and while that includes roles, it also includes the member's nickname and current presence (status is enough). Complex presence updates always involve a member going from an old group to a new group. Simple presence updates only involve an update of the state at the same group.

When implementing complex presence updates, server implementors are recommended to use a single SYNC operator (given the correct information, e.g ranges) instead of calculating the correct order / appearance of INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE operators.

When implementing this server-side, it is valid behavior to send a SYNC operator to the client (given the correct range) instead of calculating the correct INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE operators.

The simplifying behavior is caused by unstability in the index property, It is currently unknown the governing rules about the property, esp. when it starts, or ends, or what enters the index or what doesn't, etc.

There are other related state changes to the list that are related to members but not related to the actual member state (or are, but aren't tied to a single member):

  • A role being created with hoisted property set to true (a new group).
  • A role having its position updated (group changes position).
  • A role having its hoisted property set to false (removal of a group).
  • A new member joining (creation of a member in a group, most probably auto-inserting them into the online group).
  • A member leaving (be it via a kick or a ban, they all have the same meaning to the member list).
  • A member updating its user information (such as avatar or username).