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Integrations are like connections but for guilds, being things like YouTube and Twitch.


This event is fired to clients when an integration syncs.

useruserUser object of the integration owner
typestringIntegration type, either "twitch" or "youtube"
syncingbooleanWhether the sync was manual needs confirmation
synced_attimestampWhen the sync occurred
subscriber_countintSubscriber/Member count, depending on platform
role_idsnowflakeRole for the integration Note: This does not include tiered Twitch roles
revokedbooleanWhether the integration is revoked or not. prerequisites unknown.
namestringChannel name of the integration
idsnowflakeThe integration's snowflake
expire_grace_periodintGrace period for members expiration in days. Options are 1, 3, 7, 14, 30
expire_behaviorint?Behavior of what to do with member expiration. Options are 0 - Remove role, 1 - Kick. Could potentially be a bitflag.
enabledbooleanWhether the integration is enabled
enable_emoticonsbooleanWhether emotes are copied to the guild and usable by integration members
accountobjectExternal account info
guild_idsnowflakeSnowflake of the guild the event fired from

External account object

namestringDisplay name from the external service
idstringInteral ID from the external service