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Custom Statuses

Custom Statuses are the generalization of activites in Discord presences.

Users are able to set an emoji and any text, and it will be used, verbatim, inside the presence.


Patch User Settings

The Patch User Settings route gets custom_status.

CustomStatus structure

Called when the user wishes to update their persistent custom status.

The presence of a user regarding custom status is decided on 3 states:

  • On login, which loads the persistent custom status, and decides to invalidate it (if expired), or load it
  • From time to time the persistent custom status is checked for expiration
  • On OP 3 Status Update with an Activity of type 4

Clients SHOULD both update the user settings always and only send an OP 3 Status Update if necessary.

Note persistent custom status updates don't propagate any gateway side-effects, for setting. Expiration is likely to be accounted for in here.

textstringCustom Status text
expires_atOptional[ISO8601 timestamp]Timestamp in which the Custom Status expires. null for never expire
emoji_namestringEmoji name
emoji_idOptional[snowflake]Emoji ID, null if unicode emoji

Type 4 Activity (CustomActivity)

statestringCustom Status description
emojiOptional[CustomStatusEmoji]Custom Status emoji, if any


emoji_idOptional[snowflake]Emoji ID, null if emoji is unicode
emoji_namestringEmoji name, unicode emoji goes here, as well as custom emoji
animatedbooleanIf the Emoji is animated