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Connection Properties

The connection properties described here are beyond the $os, $browser and $device properties. They're used by official clients to give more metadata to Discord about the currently running device.

Fields for connection properties seem to be optional, except for os, browser and device.

browserstringbrowser string, Discord Client / Discord Android
browser_user_agentstringthe user agent for the device
client_build_numberintegerthe client's build number
client_version / browser_versionstringthe client's / browser's version
devicestringdevice identifier
device_idstringdevice identifier
distrostringyour distribution of linux
osstringyour operating system identifier
os_archstringyour device architecture, e.g "x86"
os_versionstringyour device os version, e.g 4.20-1-arch1-1-ARCH
referrerstringreferring page
referring_domainstringthe domain of the referer
release_channelstringthe client's release channel, stable, ptb, canary
window_managerstringcontains your desktop environment and window manager