Client-side Interactions
OP 24 'Request Interactions'
Used by the client to retreive a list of interactions. Gateway responds with GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_UPDATE event.
field | type | description |
applications | boolean | false when using slash commands (documentation needed) |
guild_id | snowflake | ID of guild to query interactions for |
limit | integer | How many interactions to return |
nonce | string | Nonce, used for the event returning the data |
offset | integer | 0-indexed offset for retrieving interactions |
Returns the data for OP 24
field | type | description |
application_commands | list[ApplicationCommand] | list of application commands |
applications | list[Application] | list of applications |
guild_id | snowflake | the same id used in OP 24 |
nonce | string | the same nonce used in OP 24 |
updated_at | unix timestamp | when the interactions were updated. this is not relative to the discord epoch |
field | type | description |
bot | Bot | partial user structure of the bot |
command_count | integer | how many application commands does this application have |
icon | string | avatar hash of the application |
id | snowflake | id of the application |
name | string | name of the application |
field | type | description |
avatar | string | avatar hash |
bot | boolean | always true |
discriminator | string | discriminator of the bot |
id | snowflake | id of the bot |
public_flags | integer | flags of the bot (check discord official docs) |
username | string | username of the bot |
field | type | description |
application_id | string | id of the app who owns this command |
default_permission | boolean | whether the command is enabled by default in this guild |
description | string | description of this command (1-100 characters) |
id | snowflake | id of this command |
name | string | name of this command (1-32 lowercase characters) |
permissions | list[ApplicationCommandPermission] | the permissions for the command in the guild |
version | snowflake | ??? (documentation needed) |
POST /interactions
Use an interaction. Takes a InteractionBody and responds with 204. Also sends gateway events INTERACTION_CREATE and INTERACTION_SUCCESS/INTERACTION_FAILURE.
field | type | description |
application_id | snowflake | id of application to use command for |
channel_id | snowflake | id of the channel of the interaction |
data | InteractionBodyData | data of the interaction |
?guild_id | snowflake | if interaction was in a guild, its id |
nonce | string | nonce for responding in interaction create and success events |
type | integer | ??? (documentation needed) with slash commands, type = 2 |
Responds to /interactions.
data: InteractionResponseBody
Sent after INTERACTION_CREATE if the event was successful.
data: InteractionResponseBody
Sent after INTERACTION_CREATE if the event failed.
data: InteractionResponseBody
field | type | description |
id | snowflake | maybe id of this event (???) (documentation needed) |
nonce | snowflake | nonce in POST /interactions |